Bloodworth Knives

Knife Styles:
Bowie, Camp, Scagel, Custom Period
Antler, Cocobolo, Iron wood, Walnut
Stainless 440c, 8A, 1095, Damascus
Personal Website:
Tel. no. 208 447-7000
Shop Talk Video
Roger Smith
My goal is for you to enjoy your experience with Bloodworth Knives. From the first time you hold your knife, I want you to have confidence and pride that your Bloodworth is everything you expected it to be.
My knives have always been made with the finest materials available, and each knife is totally made here in my shop. I grind the steel, heat treat the blade and finish the knife and sheath here myself. Above all my knives are “using knives”. If a knife won't cut, it isn't a knife. Bloodworth knives are balanced and will feel good in your hand.
The knives are strong and are designed to last a lifetime. My sheaths are handmade and stitched and fitted for your knife. I have high standards for my knives and have customers tell me that their Bloodworth is the best knife they have ever owned.